InStream Policy
Addendum to Medford Irrigation District’s
Transfer Policy For Temporary Instream Leases
WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of the Medford Irrigation District, met for a Regular meeting on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 and
WHEREAS, said Directors did discuss adopting an Addendum to Medford Irrigation District’s Transfer Policy for Temporary Instream Leases, and upon motion duly made and seconded,
Be it resolved, that the Medford Irrigation District recognizes that there are certain statues that allow the transfer of water rights instream. These statutes give the water user and holder of the water right more flexibility to maintain a valid water right during periods when the water right is not being used.
Medford Irrigation District will only allow for a temporary lease of water rights instream upon the following terms and conditions, and under the following circumstances in the determination of the Board of Directors and in the exercise of it’s discretion:
1.) Current water right transfer regulations, as approved by the Board of Directors apply to allow the transfer.
2.) An instream lease will be for one irrigation season. The District needs the ability to manage reservoir storage levels by attempting to have sufficient “carry-over” from one season to the next. Unused allotments are forfeited to the general storage of the District’s system at the end of each irrigation season with no individual reservoir space carry-over.
3.) The instream allotment shall be released at a location and flow convenient to the District in its sole discretion.
4.) Due to water shortages experienced by the District the acre-feet allotment will be figured on a yearly basis according to, but not limited to, total yearly supply, transportation losses, storage losses and unforeseen circumstances.
5.) Instream Transfers will be subject to and enforced by the District’s Rules & Regulations and Board decisions, the same as all other water rights and holders of such rights.
6.) Instream water will be released only during the irrigation season and in a flow deemed safe by the District at the discretion of the District Manager.
7.) The District will not establish a new point of diversion or manage the flow once it has been released instream.
8.) All applications for temporary instream leases are subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the District in its sole discretion, applications are expected to be received by the District prior to April 1st , accepted on a preliminary basis by the District Manager and subject to the Board’s review and approval.
This policy does not create, nor shall it be interpreted as creating individual storage space in any district facility.
Cost associated with temporary instream leases are as follows:
- $400.00 1-4 owners/water rights and District processing fee(subject to change)
The regular Operation, Maintenance and Account Charge fees will be billed as they are for all other irrigated lands in the District. Billing dates, late fees, interest fees, lien fees, etc. still apply and will be charged at the same rate as all other accounts.