Watershed Plan - EIS
Medford Irrigation District
Watershed Plan – EIS Scoping Period
Public Scoping Meetings August 17 and August 22
Lauren Bennett, NRCS Oregon Public Affairs Officer
Email: Lauren.Bennett2@usda.gov
Phone: 503-414-3220
BJ Westlund, Farmers Conservation Alliance
Government Relations Manager Email: BJ.Westlund@fcasolutions.org
Phone: 541-716-6085
Medford, OR - (July 27, 2023) – Medford Irrigation District (MID), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Oregon, proposes to modernize the Joint System Canal to improve efficiency and reduce water loss. MID is the project sponsor and Rogue River Valley Irrigation District (RRVID) is a partner organization. Agricultural production in both districts depends on the ability to deliver water effectively and efficiently through the Joint System Canal, particularly during drought years when water supplies are limited.
By converting the 13-mile open Joint System Canal into a piped or lined system, the proposed project would reduce conveyance and operational losses and improve water delivery to patrons in both MID and RRVID. NRCS in Oregon is providing funding and technical support and Farmers Conservation Alliance is assisting with the planning process as a contractor.
A Notice of Intent for the project was published in the Federal Register on July 19, 2023. Members of the public are invited to provide input to help guide planning efforts during two public scoping meetings. One meeting will be in-person on August 17, 2023 and another virtual meeting will be held online on August 22, 2023. Meeting details are as follows:
In-Person Medford Public Meeting
August 17, 2023
6 – 7 p.m.
Medford Library, 205 South Central Ave., Medford, OR 97501
Virtual Medford Public Meeting
August 22, 2023
6 – 7 p.m. Register for the online virtual meeting at: oregonwatershedplans.org/medford-id
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the proposed infrastructure improvements and submit their comments, ideas, and concerns. A recorded presentation will be uploaded to oregonwatershedplans.org/medford-id following the meetings.
Public comments may be submitted from July 19, 2023 through September 2, 2023. Comments may be emailed to medford.id.comments@gmail.com, submitted online at oregonwatershedplans.org/medford-id, left as a voice message at (541) 716-6085, or mailed to: Farmers Conservation Alliance, Attn: MID Scoping, 102 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031.
Following the public scoping period, project partners will develop a Draft Watershed Plan-Environmental Impact Statement. The public will have an opportunity to review the draft plan and provide additional input.
If a Record of Decision is reached and the Final Watershed Plan-Environmental Impact Statement is authorized, MID would be able to apply for funding to construct infrastructure improvements through the NRCS Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention program, authorized by Public Law 83-566. Through this program, NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to local organizations (project sponsors) for planning and carrying out watershed projects for the purpose of watershed protection, flood prevention, erosion and sediment control, water supply, water quality, and fish and wildlife habitat enhancement. Additional information is available online at oregonwatershedplans.org/medford-id or the NRCS Oregon web page at nrcs.usda.gov/oregon.
The meeting locations are accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Kate Hart at (541) 716-6085 or kate.hart@fcasolutions.org.
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