Water Supply Update
Please follow the attached links to the OWRD Drought Resources page for information regarding the drought conditions and assistance programs that are available at this time.
Emergency-Drought-Resources-JC-2021.docx*Water supply update*
The district water supply is critically low despite a late start to the irrigation season. At this time we are taking measures to extend our supply into August. This is going to be very challenging and we will all need to do our part. Flood irrigation will go from the standard 2-week rotation and be extended to 3-week rotations. Please work closely with your ditch riders on scheduling and rotations. Please call the office if you see runoff or water where it should not be so that we can make repairs as quickly as possible and conserve the water we do have. If you elect not to take the water when it is your turn please notify the office so that your ditch rider can move the water to the next user. Any on-farm conservation measures that our patrons can make will be greatly appreciated. Please call the office with any questions or concerns @ 541-899-9913
The District has started making deliveries from the Little Butte Creek streamflow. We anticipate lower than normal flows in the canal throughout May with more consistent flows starting in June. We will all need to do our part to be as efficient as possible with the water supply we have. Please call the office to get on the schedule @ 541-899-9913.